Code of Ethics

Principles of Business Ethics for ORGANIK GROUP OF COMPANIES (called Organization) and their Members (called individuals)


This document describes personal and professional behaviour rules and standards to be adopted and complied with by the business community and is designed to serve as a guide to the functioning of a free enterprise system.

  • It summaries general principles for good business relations.
  • Its purpose is regulatory and corrective.
  • It incorporates the realities of contemporary business.

Voluntary adoption of the contents of this document rather than the control and sanctions contained herein is the source of its strength.


  • To identify universally accepted principles of business ethics that enable the free enterprise system to work.
  • To establish and improve mutual trust in business life.
  • To prevent conduct and behavior which contravenes good business ethics.
  • To promote the acceptance and improvement of good business ethics in one’s transactions and one’s sector.

General Principles

Individuals and institutions should be honorable and honest in business. In practice this principle comprises the following conduct and behavior. In business life individuals and organizations:

  • Should not knowingly harm others by their commercial acts and goods
  • Should not use for their own benefit any information that should be kept secret
  • Should not grant favors to individuals or organizations which could impair their independent decision-making process
  • Should not falsely advertise their own or others’ commercial or financial standing, or act in a misleading fashion.
  • Should assume responsibility for their products and services
  • Should not deviate from law and internationally accepted principles of honesty, and should not engage in acts of unfair competition.